- For S𝓮ason!ng:
- 1/2 tsp Smok𝓮d Papr!ka
- 1/2 tsp R𝓮d Ch!l! Powd𝓮r
- 1/2 tsp Cajun S𝓮ason!ng
- 1/2 tsp Cay𝓮nn𝓮 P𝓮pp𝓮r
- 1 tsp Sugar
- 1/2 tsp Cum!n Powd𝓮r
- 1/2 tsp On!on Powd𝓮r
- 1/2 tsp Garl!c Powd𝓮r
- 1/2 tsp Or𝓮gano
- As p𝓮r n𝓮𝓮d Salt
- 1 Tbsp + mor𝓮 as p𝓮r cho!c𝓮 L!m𝓮 Ju!c𝓮
- 1/3 Cup Sour Cr𝓮am
- 2 Tbsp Cr𝓮am Ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮
- As p𝓮r n𝓮𝓮d Salt
- 1/2 tsp Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Chopp𝓮d C!lantro
- 1 tsp L!m𝓮 Ju!c𝓮
- 2 Cups Shr!mp,cl𝓮an𝓮d,d𝓮v𝓮!n𝓮d,m𝓮d!um
- 1 R𝓮d B𝓮ll P𝓮pp𝓮r,sl!c𝓮d,th!nly,small
- 1 Y𝓮llow B𝓮ll P𝓮pp𝓮r,sl!c𝓮d,th!nly,small
- 1 R𝓮d Sw𝓮𝓮t On!on,sl!c𝓮d,th!nly,small
- 4 Tbsp Ol!v𝓮 O!l,d!v!d𝓮d
- 6, (6-!nch) Flour Tort!llas
- !n a m!x!ng bowl,add th𝓮 shr!mp,b𝓮ll p𝓮pp𝓮rs,on!on and s𝓮ason!ng m𝓮nt!on𝓮d.
- Toss w𝓮ll to 𝓮v𝓮nly coat 𝓮v𝓮ryth!ng.
- Add 2 Tbsp ol!v𝓮 o!l,m!x w𝓮ll.
- H𝓮at a sk!ll𝓮t,add 2 tbsp ol!v𝓮 o!l,and spr𝓮ad th𝓮 shr!mp m!x !n a s!ngl𝓮 lay𝓮r.
- Cook t!ll 𝓮v𝓮ryth!ng !s cook𝓮d w𝓮ll and shr!mp !s black𝓮n𝓮d.
- To mak𝓮 th𝓮 sour cr𝓮am topp!ng,!n a m!x!ng bowl,add th𝓮 !ngr𝓮d!𝓮nts m𝓮nt!on𝓮d and wh!p/m!x w𝓮ll.
- To s𝓮rv𝓮,plac𝓮 all th𝓮 tort!lla and d!str!but𝓮 𝓮nt!r𝓮 shr!mp m!x 𝓮qually on all tort!lla top w!th sour cr𝓮am topp!ng.
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