- 1 whol𝓮 h𝓮ad of caul!flow𝓮r , cut !nto flor𝓮ts
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 cup h𝓮avy cr𝓮am
- 2 oz cr𝓮am ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮
- 2 tsp d!jon mustard
- 2 cups shr𝓮dd𝓮d ch𝓮ddar ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮 , d!v!d𝓮d
- salt and p𝓮pp𝓮r to tast𝓮
- 1 tsp garl!c powd𝓮r
- Pr𝓮h𝓮at ov𝓮n to 375 and gr𝓮as𝓮 a 9x9 glass bak!ng d!sh
- Br!ng larg𝓮 pot of wat𝓮r to a bo!l. Add caul!flow𝓮r and 1/2 tsp salt and cook unt!l caul!flow𝓮r !s just fork t𝓮nd𝓮r. Do not ov𝓮r cook.
- Dra!n caul!flow𝓮r w𝓮ll and plac𝓮 back !n pot. S𝓮t as!d𝓮.
- !n a small sauc𝓮 pan, br!ng cr𝓮am to a s!mm𝓮r, st!rr!ng w𝓮ll to avo!d scorch!ng.
- Wh!sk !n cr𝓮am ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮 and mustard and st!r unt!l m!xtur𝓮 th!ck𝓮ns.
- R𝓮mov𝓮 from h𝓮at and wh!sk !n 1 cup shr𝓮dd𝓮d ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮 and s𝓮ason!ngs.
- Pour ov𝓮r caul!flow𝓮r and g𝓮ntly m!x to comb!n𝓮.
- Plac𝓮 caul!flow𝓮r !n pr𝓮par𝓮d d!sh. Spr!nkl𝓮 w!th r𝓮ma!n!ng ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮 and bak𝓮 unt!l ch𝓮𝓮s𝓮 !s bubbly and sl!ghtly brown𝓮d, or about 15 m!nut𝓮s.
- For an 𝓮xtra bubbly topp!ng, bro!l on h!gh for 2-3 m!nut𝓮s but b𝓮 sur𝓮 to watch car𝓮fully
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